Nov 15, 2024


1. **清热解毒**:半边莲具有清热解毒的功效,对于因毒热引起的病症如疮痈肿毒、毒蛇咬伤、蜂蜇伤等有很好的治疗作用。它常与白花蛇舌草、虎杖、茜草等药物配伍使用。

2. **利水消肿**:半边莲对于体内湿气较重导致的湿疹、腹胀水肿、小便不利、手足浮肿、肝硬化腹水、肾病等水肿症状有良好的改善作用。

3. **抗菌消炎**:半边莲对于由病菌引起的腹泻有缓解作用,对于蚊虫叮咬也有一定的治疗效果。

4. **降压作用**:半边莲含有半边莲碱,能抑制血管运动,阻滞神经节,从而降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


5. **调节神经系统**:半边莲对神经系统有调节作用,可用于治疗神经性痉挛性抽搐、神经性呕吐等。

6. **镇静降温**:半边莲对于因上火引起的喉咙肿痛、扁桃体发炎等症状有缓解作用。

7. **促进胆汁分泌**:半边莲提取物可促进胆汁分泌,有助于消化。

8. **抑制中枢**:半边莲对神经系统有抑制作用,可抑制中枢。

9. **抗肿瘤作用**:现代药理研究表明,半边莲具有一定的抗肿瘤作用。

10. **促进凝血功能**:半边莲还有促进凝血功能的作用。




– 在专业医师的指导下使用。
– 严格按照推荐剂量使用。
– 避免与辛辣刺激性食物同食。
– 如有不适,应立即停药并咨询医生。


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Nov 13, 2024


1. **美容养颜**:北海鱼胶含有丰富的胶原蛋白,这是维持皮肤弹性和光泽的关键成分。长期食用可以补充皮肤所需的胶原蛋白,改善皮肤松弛,延缓衰老,使皮肤看起来更加紧致有弹性。

2. **增强免疫力**:鱼胶中的多种维生素和微量元素能够增强人体的免疫力,提高抗病能力,对于身体健康的维护具有重要意义。

3. **补肾益精**:北海鱼胶具有补肾益精的作用,适用于肾虚引起的滑精、腰膝酸软、身体虚弱等症状的改善。


4. **滋养筋脉**:鱼胶中的胶质成分有助于滋养筋脉,对于筋骨的强健和运动能力的提升有一定的帮助。

5. **促进新陈代谢**:鱼胶中的维生素E和维生素D能够促进新陈代谢,有助于身体吸收钙离子,增强骨骼硬度,降低骨质疏松的风险。

6. **补充营养**:北海鱼胶是高蛋白低脂的食物,含有丰富的钙、锌、铁等微量元素,这些都是人体所需的营养素,有助于身体的生长发育和维持健康。


7. **调节内分泌**:对于女性来说,北海鱼胶可以帮助调节内分泌,改善因工作压力大或熬夜等导致的内分泌失调,如毛孔粗大、皮肤痘痘等问题。

8. **促进食欲和消化**:鱼胶可以促进食欲,增强胃肠道的消化吸收功能,有助于提高营养物质的吸收率。


9. **促进青少年身体生长**:青少年在成长发育期间,适量食用北海鱼胶有助于身体骨骼和肌肉的健康发育。


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Nov 10, 2024


1. **增强免疫功能**:刺梨富含维生素C,能够促进抗体生成,发挥抗炎和抗过敏作用。它能够显著影响动物的非特异性免疫功能,如促进正常脾细胞增殖,增强腹腔内巨噬细胞吞噬功能;对特异性免疫功能也有明显作用,如增加B淋巴细胞数目,增强B淋巴细胞分泌抗体的功能,增加外周血T淋巴细胞,增强脾自然杀伤细胞活性等。


2. **延缓衰老**:刺梨汁可以降低动物心、肝、脑自由基含量及脂褐素水平,增加淋巴细胞、红细胞、白细胞及中性粒细胞数目,提高血清蛋白含量,显示出其延缓衰老的功效。日本学者研究发现,刺梨汁对多种自由基有明显的清除作用。

3. **抗动脉粥样硬化**:食用刺梨汁能降低血液中的胆固醇、三酰甘油和脂质过氧化物水平,提高SOD活性,调整高脂血症脂质代谢,降低血液黏滞度,减轻脂质过氧化损伤,减轻动脉病变程度,防止高血压及动脉硬化。

4. **健胃消食、滋养补虚**:刺梨的果实、根、叶、花均可入药,分别具有健胃消食、滋养补虚、强身壮体、涩精止泻、清热解暑等不同的作用。现代药理学研究证实,刺梨富含多种化合物质及营养成分,具有多种功效。

5. **治疗疾病**:刺梨可用于治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻、热毒痈疖、胃胀痛、泻痢、遗精等疾病。现代研究表明,刺梨具有促进胰酶分泌、加速胃肠蠕动、增加胆汁分泌量、降血脂、抗动脉粥样硬化、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、保肝、增强免疫功能、改善慢性氟中毒等作用。

6. **预防坏血病和癌症**:由于刺梨含有丰富的维生素C,可以预防坏血病,并且由于其具有抗氧化作用,有助于预防癌症。

7. **美容养颜**:刺梨中的多种营养成分有助于改善皮肤状况,具有美容养颜的效果。



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Nov 4, 2024



1. **润肺止咳**:冰糖炖梨的主要功效之一是润肺止咳。梨具有生津止渴、润燥化痰的作用,对于肺燥咳嗽、干咳无痰、气逆、气喘等症状有很好的缓解效果。

2. **清热解毒**:冰糖炖梨可以清热解毒,对于热病津伤、心烦口渴、肺燥干咳等有很好的辅助治疗作用。

3. **生津止渴**:尤其在夏季,冰糖炖梨能够有效缓解口渴,并具有润喉、缓解咽喉肿痛的效果。

4. **降低血压**:冰糖炖梨具有扩张血管、降低血液粘稠度的作用,对于高血压等疾病有辅助防治作用。

5. **保护咽喉**:冰糖炖梨对咽喉干燥痒、咽喉痛以及失语症等有缓解作用。

6. **辅助治疗肝炎和肝硬化**:冰糖炖梨可以帮助消化、健脾滋阴,对肝炎和肝硬化患者有一定的治疗效果。


7. **改善失眠多梦**:冰糖炖梨对失眠多梦等睡眠问题有辅助治疗作用。

8. **辅助治疗结核病**:对于肺结核患者,冰糖炖梨可以缓解肺热、咳嗽、喉咙痒、咯痰等症状。

9. **美容养颜**:冰糖炖梨中含有的营养成分有助于滋润皮肤、抗皱美白,对中老年人有一定的美容养颜作用。

10. **健胃和中**:对于胃阴不足、脾虚失和导致的打嗝不止、口燥、食欲不振、大便不通等症状,冰糖炖梨也有一定的治疗作用。


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Nov 2, 2024


1. **调节免疫系统:**冬虫夏草具有调节和增强人体免疫系统的功能,能够增强机体的抵抗力,提高人体对疾病的防御能力。

2. **抗肿瘤作用:**冬虫夏草中含有虫草素等成分,具有抗肿瘤的效果,能够抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,对某些癌症有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **抗疲劳作用:**冬虫夏草具有抗疲劳、抗缺氧、抗辐射等作用,能够增强体力,提高工作效率。

4. **补肺益肾:**冬虫夏草对肺肾虚弱、肺结核、咳嗽、气短、盗汗等症状有改善作用。

5. **止血化痰:**冬虫夏草具有止血、化痰的功效,适用于治疗咯血、痰中带血等症状。

6. **强心、降压作用:**冬虫夏草具有强心、降压的作用,对于心脏功能不佳、高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **抗炎、抗菌作用:**冬虫夏草具有抗炎、抗菌的作用,对于慢性支气管炎、哮喘等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **抗氧化、抗衰老:**冬虫夏草中的虫草素等成分具有抗氧化、抗衰老的作用,有助于延缓衰老过程。

9. **调节内分泌:**冬虫夏草对内分泌系统有调节作用,可以改善内分泌失调症状。

10. **滋补强身:**冬虫夏草被认为是一种滋补强壮的药物,适用于病后体虚、衰老体弱等情况。


11. **改善心血管系统:**冬虫夏草对心血管系统有一定的保护作用,可以改善心悸、胸闷等症状。

12. **改善肾功能:**冬虫夏草对肾功能有一定的保护作用,可以改善肾脏功能,对肾炎、尿毒症等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

13. **抗病毒作用:**冬虫夏草具有抗病毒的作用,能够预防某些病毒性疾病。

14. **抗过敏作用:**冬虫夏草具有一定的抗过敏作用,可以缓解过敏症状。




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Oct 28, 2024


1. **滋阴润肺**:八宝茶中包含的茶叶和其他配料如枸杞子、大枣等,都有助于滋阴润肺,对于缓解干燥的喉咙和改善呼吸系统有积极作用。


2. **清嗓利喉**:八宝茶中的多种成分可以起到清嗓利喉的作用,对于经常感到喉咙不适的人群尤其有益。

3. **活血化瘀**:部分配料如红枣、枸杞子等,具有活血化瘀的功效,有助于改善血液循环,对心血管系统有保护作用。

4. **清火除燥**:八宝茶中的成分可以帮助清除体内火气,对于因内火旺盛引起的症状如口干舌燥等有缓解作用。

5. **宁心安神养血**:八宝茶中的配料有助于改善睡眠质量,对精神紧张、心神不宁有调节作用。

6. **养颜美容**:八宝茶中的营养成分对皮肤健康有益,长期饮用有助于美容养颜。

7. **补肾壮阳固本培元**:八宝茶中的某些成分,如核桃肉、桂圆肉等,具有补肾壮阳的作用,有助于增强体质。

8. **健脾和胃**:八宝茶有助于调理脾胃,对于消化不良、食欲不振等症状有改善作用。

9. **促进消化**:八宝茶中的成分可以刺激肠道蠕动,有助于消化系统的健康。

10. **提高免疫力**:八宝茶中的多种维生素和矿物质有助于增强人体的免疫力。

11. **延年益寿**:长期饮用八宝茶,可以起到延年益寿的作用,其和气提神的效果有助于身体健康。


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Oct 24, 2024


### 僵蚕的药用价值:

1. **祛风解痉**:僵蚕具有祛风止痉的功效,对于治疗惊风、抽搐等症有显著效果。
2. **化痰散结**:僵蚕能帮助化痰,对于痰多、咳嗽、气喘等症状有缓解作用。
3. **息风止痉**:适用于治疗因风邪引起的各种痉挛症状。
4. **消肿散结**:对于淋巴结炎、咽喉肿痛等有消肿作用。
5. **治疗口眼歪斜**:通过祛风和化痰,有助于改善口眼歪斜的症状。
6. **治疗肺结核**:僵蚕有滋阴润肺的作用,对于肺结核有一定的辅助治疗作用。
7. **治疗半身不遂**:僵蚕配合其他药材可以治疗中风后引起的半身不遂。
8. **治疗咽喉肿痛**:通过消肿止痛,适用于咽喉肿痛和喉风的治疗。
9. **美容功效**:白僵蚕在美容方面也有应用,可以用于改善肤质。

### 僵蚕的副作用注意:

1. **过敏反应**:个别人群在使用僵蚕后可能出现过敏反应,如皮肤瘙痒、红肿等。
2. **脾胃虚弱**:对于脾胃虚弱的人群,过量使用僵蚕可能导致腹泻、恶心等症状。
3. **孕妇慎用**:孕妇在使用僵蚕前应咨询医生,因为某些药物可能对胎儿有不良影响。
4. **儿童慎用**:儿童使用僵蚕也应谨慎,特别是婴幼儿,因为他们的身体机能尚未完全成熟。


### 使用注意事项:

– 使用僵蚕时应按照医嘱或药品说明书的指导进行。
– 长期或大量使用可能产生不良反应,因此应遵循适量原则。
– 使用僵蚕时,注意与其他药物可能产生的相互作用。
– 对于任何药物,包括僵蚕,如果有不良反应应立即停药并咨询医生。


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Oct 20, 2024


1. **养血安神**:何首乌藤具有养血安神的功效,适用于治疗失眠多梦、心神不宁、头目眩晕等症状。它能够补养阴血,缓解因血虚引起的各种不适。

2. **祛风通络**:何首乌藤善于祛风通络,对血虚身痛、风湿痹痛等症状有显著疗效。它可以帮助缓解因风湿引起的关节疼痛。


3. **止汗**:何首乌藤有止汗的作用,对于多汗症患者有一定的治疗作用。

4. **提高记忆力**:何首乌藤对大脑有积极的作用,不仅能营养脑神经,还能促进大脑发育,提高记忆力,防止记忆力减退。

5. **治疗皮肤疾病**:何首乌藤有去封止痒的功效,适用于治疗风疹、疥疮、皮肤瘙痒症等。

6. **抗炎作用**:何首乌藤具有一定的抗炎作用,可用于治疗痈疽、瘰疬等炎症性疾病。

7. **治疗神经退行性疾病**:现代药理研究表明,何首乌藤具有一定的抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗动脉硬化以及保护神经的作用,可用于治疗一些神经退行性疾病。


8. **调节血脂**:何首乌藤具有一定的降血脂作用,可用于治疗高血脂症。


– **剂量控制**:何首乌藤的剂量应大,但应在医生指导下使用。
– **个体差异**:由于个体差异,不同人的疗效可能会有所不同。
– **禁忌**:对于某些特殊体质或疾病患者,可能不适合使用何首乌藤。


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Jul 11, 2024

"Oh, go to my home? Go to my home? " Qin Shaojie was surprised. "What are you doing in my house?"

"Protect you" Xiao Ting said lightly, then turned and walked in the direction of Qin Shaojie’s residential area.
Qin Shaojie can also resist the hustle and bustle at home now, but he can’t listen to the reason why Mao Ting finished. Qin Shaojie knew that the magic way would definitely not give up. Now that you want to live in his house, you can live there. You can protect a Lingfang and Qiu Re, but you won’t be in danger before you play Tianbao Box.
Chapter 233 The condemned man is putting his life on.
A noisy bell woke Qin Shaojie from his dream and rubbed him. He was still in a daze and couldn’t keep his eyes open. He finally found the damn mobile phone that disturbed people’s dreams.
"Hello?" Qin Shaojie muttered according to the answer key
"Qin Shaojie, it’s me." There’s a beautiful female voice over there.
"hmm? Female? " Qin Shaojie one leng also awake a lot of "who ah early"
"It’s me, Xiao Hui." There came the urgent voice of Xiao Hui.
"ah? Teacher Ai? " Qin Shaojie took the words for a long time before saying, "Why do you want to see me this early in the morning?"
"What about Qin Shaojie? My parents said they would come to Beijing during the May 13th holiday."
"Come on, come on. Can you still control your parents’ legs?" Qin Shaojie said.
I’m not your parents. You didn’t tell me they were coming. Do you want me to say hello to all the transportation departments and prevent your parents from coming?
"You …" Xiao-hui Yi was almost scratching the wall. "My parents said they would take advantage of my brother’s holiday to come to Beijing for three days and visit their son-in-law."
"Oh, the way it is," Qin Shaojie suddenly realized, "I haven’t seen you have a boyfriend for a long time? Which public? "
"You’re a big head ghost" Ai Xiaohui shouted that if Qin Shaojie was next to her, she would like a nine-yin white bone claw to break her face directly. "They said that the son-in-law is you."
"Oh, it’s my Qin Dagong." Qin Shaojie muttered a sentence and then reacted with only a little sleepiness. This sentence surprised me. "What did you say? I’m their son-in-law Are your parents coming for me? "
"Yes, it’s you." Ai Xiaohui couldn’t wait to strangle this idiot. He was almost crazy. He also played the fool and fully distracted. "Don’t forget that you pretended to be my boyfriend and went home with me."
Qin Shaojie secretly scolded how to forget this crop. How long has it been? I don’t know how many articles have been turned over in the calendar. Why do her parents still remember it?
"Hello? Is Qin Shaojie still there? " Ai Xiaohui heard that there was no sound across the street and asked anxiously to reassure her parents. After returning to Beijing, she told his parents that she lived with Qin Shaojie. Her mother was that personality. I couldn’t wait for her to study a child with Qin Shaojie as soon as possible. If there are few children, I won’t worry that Qin Shaojie won’t want her in the future.
"Yes, yes," Qin Shaojie said, "Since you want to come, come on. I have a way to deal with it." Qin Shaojie thought for a long time and thought it was no big deal.
"I … I" Qin Shaojie agreed to the words but came to Yixiaohui’s hesitation.
"What’s the matter again?"
"I … I told my parents that we lived together and I had to move to your place." Ai Xiaohui said her voice was getting smaller and smaller.
"Fuck" this time, Qin Shaojie didn’t resist directly swearing and exporting his brother. Who is this? Didn’t even touch you, so you told your parents to live with me? Brother, you’ve lost the name of a yellow flower boy.
"You … you" Xiao-hui Yi listened to Qin Shaojie’s swearing and got a fright. Was he angry?
"All right, I’ll think about it later." Qin Shaojie said that he would no longer wait for Xiao-hui Yi to talk directly. Just now, that voice not only woke Lingfang up, but also estimated that several other people in the family were woken up by him.
"Early in the morning, you called ghosts and told you to rebel."
Ouyang Yao, a classmate from the dining table, waved a spoon and expressed great dissatisfaction with Qin Shaojie.
Qin Shaojie is not in the mood to take a reason for her grandmother. What can I do? The four rooms and two halls in this house are full. Where do you still live in the Yixiaohui family? I can’t go there in the past. It seems that I have to bother Lao Li again.
Qin Shaojie pondered early in the morning until his family left him (even Maoting followed Qiure to the martial arts school) and didn’t come up with a good way to ask Li Yuanchao for help.
It was another time when the bell rang and Qin Shaojie made a tingle.
He’s afraid to answer the phone now, to be exact, he’s afraid to answer Ai Xiaohui’s words, and he’s afraid to hear something from her mouth that makes his liver tremble again.
I looked at it, and it showed that Ethan was calling, so I picked it up.
"Hey Ethan?"
"It’s 0: 30, isn’t it 9: 00 to discuss the acquisition of shares with those small shareholders?" Ethan is so naive that he still has to do the secret of Qin Shaojie’s life now. The reality of life is so naive.
Qin Shaojie found that there were not many now, so he hung up and ran downstairs.
"Let’s go," Qin Shaojie said, looking at Ethan. Then he reacted and asked, "Where’s the car?"
Ethan shrugged his shoulders to show that you wanted to.
"I forgot" Qin Shaojie a clap forehead this just remember let Dong Lele give back the car last night.
"Take a taxi" Qin Shaojie has already ran to the outside of the community.
"Grandma, what the hell is this place? Why are taxis full?"
Looking at the taxis with people passing by, Qin Shaojie is very helpless. This year, grandpa, am I too old? What’s wrong with everything and it’s full of troubles?
Glancing around for a circle, Qin Shaojie’s eyes stopped at a small tree that I don’t know who was parked on the side of the road. The most important thing is that … the car was unlocked.
"Ethan this" Qin Shaojie pointed to the bike and said to Ethan.
"This?" God knows how wonderful Ethan’s expression is. He has killed people in wars, cars, speedboats, motorcycles and even small planes, but this bicycle has never been touched since he stepped into the killer world.
Have you ever seen a killer running away with a gun on his back?
"Yes, that’s it." Qin Shaojie must have nodded his head and was ashamed of stealing. I don’t know who put the bike in front of Ethan and said, "Come and be your driver."
Dear Jesus, would you please turn back the clock if possible? I promise that I will be a good person, find a good job, work hard to make money and donate money to the orphanage every month. I promise that if I go back in time, I won’t be the world’s number one killer, and I really don’t want to see Qin Shaojie again.
Ethan prayed in pain …
Chapter 234 Acquisition of shares

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Jul 8, 2024

Yu Long murmured, "Boy, it turns out that this thing is really powerful …

In words, he quickly chopped the dragon with the heavenly sword.
A sword goes away, but it becomes strength
After an unsuccessful blow, Kafir didn’t lose heart. He aimed his sight at Long Yu Bow and immediately turned the arrow. When Yu Long saw the bow facing him, he immediately turned white. "Don’t be impulsive. Even with the bow, you still can’t beat me?"
Kaffee laughed coldly at a fire dragon.
Fly out of the sky and hurriedly greet Firgau with Tianshi Fa Jian. Once you are dead, the words sound just fell and the dragon arrow suddenly exploded to turn several rockets into a meteor shower and swept away towards Yu Long.
Long Yu’s mind turned and hurriedly waved Tianshi’s sword and laid a defense in the whole body. The impact explosive force made the surrounding area fluctuate again.
Phil didn’t relax at all. The dragon arrows were attacking, and one by one, the broken dragon arrows kept hitting the defense.
"I fight with you-!" Kaffee saw that he couldn’t hurt Yu Long even by shooting dozens of arrows. In his heart, he immediately tried his best to pull the full bow armor and the power of the bow together. The dark arrows turned into dark golden dragons, one higher than the other on Kaffee Avenue. "This is my strongest blow. Are you going to die?" The Lord god mace sister I turned back … "
Cofell was about to shoot an arrow when Long Yu cursed, "Are you crazy? Stop it. What are you and Mace?"
"Son of a bitch, stop it if you want to get to Metz," Yu Long drank coldly
Yu Long scolded Kaffee for stopping.
"Can you really see Sister Mace?" Kafir stopped the attack.
Yu Long paused and asked, "Are you Mace’s brother?"
Caffeier carefully ordered "Sister Mace left the Dark Star Domain to avoid her engagement with King Hall of the Shura Star Domain family. Everyone was very worried, so they sent me out to find her. If you can really let me see Sister Mace, I will give you my bow."
"I don’t want to be a friend of your sister Mace," Yu Long said with a smile.
"Are you my sister’s friend?" Kafir smiled. "How is that possible?"
"What’s impossible, if you want to see your sister Mace, then you can come with me," Yu Long said. "Trust me."
Kafir thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "Why should I believe you …"
"With this!" Yu Long conjured up a silk scarf.
Kafir was immediately worried. "That’s my sister’s personal stuff. Where did you get it?"
"I said I was your sister’s friend-!" Yu Long laughed. "Your sister gave it to me. Now you should believe me, right?"
Cofell nodded. "You really have my sister. I’ll go with you."
"Very good!"
Yu Long laughed. "Young people don’t always be wary of me. You’ll know later that I am friends with your sister."
"If you cheat me, I won’t let you go even if you die," Kafir said seriously.
This is a perfect operation.
After the operation, not only did he get the enemy warships, but more importantly, Yu Long kidnapped Mace’s younger brother. His plan was simple. He asked Likafel to further control Mace and get more accurate information.
A little mean, though
But the body of war is despicable
Yu Long didn’t have a horse to let the brothers and sisters meet.
He did. He figured that Mace was conspiring with him. He always thought Mace’s intelligence network was very strong. Every moment, she might have information from Shura Star Domain.
However, Mace will never easily leak the information because she needs to rely on it to get more benefits from Yu Long.
And now Yu Long wants Licafil in exchange for that information.
Mace is now curled up in the sand watching the dark star field and making exquisite digital videos, but she prefers those soap-talking love dramas.
It was quiet in the living room, with Mace watching and laughing from time to time. Yu Long quietly walked behind the sand and watched Mace quietly.
Depending on the end of the program, Mace turned to see Yu Long.
Mace frowned when he saw Yu Long coming back. "When will you come in?"
"Just come-!" Yu Long said with a smile, "I didn’t expect you to like watching this kind of TV program. It’s really surprising."
Mace blushed and gave Yu Long a white look. "This is my business."
"Are you emotional?" Yu Long laughed. "I’ve been watching you for a long time. Now you can’t help breathing when you see men and women kissing. Hehe, I didn’t expect a goddess like you to be emotional because of that shoddy TV play …"
Mace was ashamed and anxious, and even his ears were red. He punched Yu Long in the chest. "What are you talking about …"
Yu Long, hey, hey, smiled and hugged Mace. Because she was throbbing before, she was hugged by a man at the moment, and she suddenly lost her strength.
"Why don’t we try it?" Yu Long laughed.
Yu Long cut to the chase and made Mace feel at a loss. His heart seemed to be kicked by him suddenly, and he leaned against Yu Long’s chest with all his strength, blushing hot, ashamed and anxious.
I don’t know when, but he didn’t want to break free at all. Instead, he put his arm around Yu Long’s waist and buried his cheek in his arms, ashamed and blind.
Yu Long Han Han asked "good-looking? That TV play? " While speaking, he put his hand into Mace’s clothes.
Mace there through this firm smooth breast was Yu Long hand caressed the body can’t help but slightly shaking and crisp and hemp like a bone limply wrapped around Long Yushen twist body also don’t know whether to resist or cater to.
"Let me go-!" Mace quickly broke free with a snort.
But this time Yu Long’s mouth has kissed Mace’s mouth.

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