Nov 11, 2024


1. **缓解疼痛**:针灸通过刺激特定的穴位,可以促进局部血液循环,减轻肌肉紧张,从而达到缓解疼痛的效果。加味针灸通过加入具有镇痛作用的中药,可以增强这一效果。

2. **改善血液循环**:针灸能够调节血管的收缩与扩张,改善局部血液循环,这对于促进组织修复和减轻炎症有积极作用。

3. **调节神经系统**:针灸可以调节神经系统功能,对于治疗神经性疼痛、失眠、焦虑等神经系统疾病有一定的帮助。



4. **增强免疫力**:通过针灸和中药的联合应用,可以增强人体的免疫力,提高对疾病的抵抗力。

5. **改善消化系统功能**:加味针灸对于改善消化系统的功能,如治疗慢性胃炎、便秘、腹泻等有显著效果。

6. **调节内分泌系统**:针灸可以调节内分泌系统的功能,对于治疗内分泌失调引起的疾病,如甲状腺疾病、月经不调等有帮助。

7. **改善呼吸系统功能**:针灸可以缓解呼吸系统的症状,如哮喘、慢性支气管炎等。


8. **促进康复**:对于术后恢复、骨折恢复等,加味针灸可以促进局部血液循环,加速组织修复。

9. **调整身体机能**:针灸可以调整人体的整体机能,对于亚健康状态有很好的调整作用。

10. **提高生活质量**:通过改善患者的疼痛、睡眠、消化等功能,可以显著提高患者的生活质量。


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Nov 7, 2024


1. **健脾益胃**:凉薯具有健脾益胃的功效,适合脾胃虚弱的人群食用。它可以帮助改善消化功能,缓解胃痛、胃胀等症状。

2. **滋阴润燥**:在干燥的季节,食用凉薯可以帮助滋阴润燥,缓解口干舌燥、皮肤干燥等问题。

3. **增强免疫力**:凉薯中含有丰富的维生素C和矿物质,这些成分有助于增强人体免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。


4. **降血糖**:凉薯含有一种叫做薯蓣皂苷的成分,这种成分可以降低血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


5. **减肥瘦身**:凉薯热量低,富含膳食纤维,有助于增加饱腹感,减少其他高热量食物的摄入,适合想要减肥的人群。

6. **保护心血管**:凉薯中含有钾元素,有助于维持心脏和血管的正常功能,降低高血压和心脏病的风险。

7. **美容养颜**:凉薯中的多种维生素和矿物质有助于皮肤健康,可以改善肤色,预防皮肤老化。

8. **调节内分泌**:凉薯中的一些成分有助于调节人体内分泌,对于内分泌失调引起的症状有一定的改善作用。

9. **抗肿瘤作用**:一些研究表明,凉薯中含有的活性成分可能对某些类型的肿瘤有抑制作用。



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Nov 3, 2024


1. **止咳化痰**:冰糖枇杷水中的枇杷性凉,味甘酸,具有润肺止咳、祛痰的作用。对于肺热咳嗽、慢性支气管炎等疾病,长期饮用可以收到很好的治疗效果。


2. **润肺**:枇杷中的营养成分有助于润肺,对于因肺燥引起的干咳、喉咙痛等症状有缓解作用。

3. **清热健胃**:冰糖枇杷水能清热,有助于改善胃热、胃痛等症状,同时也能增强胃功能。


4. **防癌、消脂**:现代医学研究表明,枇杷中含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素、粗纤维等营养元素,其中的多酚氧化酶可以防止细胞老化,预防癌症的发生。同时,枇杷中的膳食纤维和矿物质元素有助于减少体内多余脂肪。

5. **预防感冒**:冰糖枇杷水中含有的苦杏仁苷在水果中含量仅次于杏仁,能够预防感冒,增强身体免疫力。

6. **帮助消化**:枇杷中富含的有机酸可以刺激消化腺分泌,有助于增进食欲和促进消化。


7. **美容养颜**:冰糖枇杷水中的营养成分有助于美容养颜,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

8. **增强免疫力**:枇杷中含有的多种维生素和矿物质可以增强人体的免疫力,预防疾病。

– **脾虚症状者**:由于枇杷性凉,脾虚者饮用可能导致腹痛腹泻。
– **糖尿病患者**:枇杷含糖量较高,糖尿病患者应避免食用。
– **孕妇和儿童**:孕妇和儿童在食用前应咨询医生。


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Nov 1, 2024


1. **低脂低热量**:冬瓜本身含有极少量的脂肪和热量,炒食时通常不会添加过多的油脂,因此适合减肥和需要控制体重的人群。

2. **清热去火**:秋季气候干燥,人体容易出现秋燥症状,炒冬瓜可以帮助清热去火,改善口干舌燥、喉咙不适等症状。

3. **利尿消肿**:冬瓜具有很好的利尿作用,炒食可以帮助身体排出多余的水分,对于高血压、肾脏病、浮肿等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


4. **减肥瘦身**:冬瓜中含有的特殊物质可以抑制糖类转化为脂肪,加之其低脂肪、低热量的特性,使其成为减肥者的理想食材。

5. **润肺止咳**:冬瓜具有润肺的功效,对于秋季干燥引起的咳嗽有一定的缓解作用。

6. **美容养颜**:冬瓜富含维生素C、E等抗氧化物质,能够帮助皮肤保持水分,促进胶原蛋白生成,从而起到美容养颜的效果。


7. **增强免疫力**:冬瓜中的维生素C、锌、硒等营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

8. **促进消化**:冬瓜中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能。

9. **降低血糖**:冬瓜中的“冬瓜多糖”成分可以降低血糖,增加胰岛素敏感性,对糖尿病患者有益。


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Oct 26, 2024



1. **补气养血**:党参具有补中益气、养血的功效,适用于气血两虚、面色苍白、精神不振等症状。
2. **健脾益肺**:党参能够健脾和胃,对于脾虚引起的消化不良、食欲不振有很好的改善作用。
3. **生津止渴**:党参有助于生津止渴,适合口干舌燥、津液不足的人群。
4. **增强免疫力**:党参可以增强机体的免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

1. **补血养颜**:红枣含有丰富的铁质,能够帮助补血,改善面色,适合贫血患者。
2. **养气安神**:红枣有助于养血安神,对于失眠、心悸、烦躁不安等症状有缓解作用。
3. **健脾开胃**:红枣有助于健脾开胃,适合食欲不振、消化不良的人群。
4. **增强免疫力**:红枣中的维生素C有助于提高免疫力,增强身体抵抗力。

1. **补脾益肺**:党参红枣茶结合了党参和红枣的补气养血、健脾益肺的功效,对于体虚、食欲不振、消化不良等症状有很好的改善作用。
2. **提高免疫力**:两者共同作用,可以增强机体免疫力,减少疾病的发生。
3. **改善睡眠**:红枣的养血安神作用有助于改善睡眠质量。
4. **补血养颜**:对于女性来说,党参红枣茶是很好的补血养颜饮品。


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Oct 25, 2024


1. **补中益气**:党参具有很好的补益作用,可以增强人体的中气,对于中气不足导致的食少便溏、四肢倦怠、神疲乏力等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **健脾益肺**:党参归脾、肺二经,可以健脾,对于脾胃虚弱、消化不良、食欲不振、大便稀溏等症状有治疗作用。同时,党参还能补肺气,对于肺气虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、声音低弱等症状有改善作用。

3. **养血生津**:党参具有养血的作用,适用于血虚引起的头晕目眩、面色萎黄、心悸等症状。同时,党参还能生津止渴,对于口干舌燥、内热消渴等症状有治疗作用。

4. **改善心脏功能**:党参可以改善心脏情况,对于冠心病、心力衰竭等心血管疾病有辅助治疗作用。


5. **增强免疫功能**:现代药理学研究表明,党参具有增强免疫功能的功效,可以帮助身体抵抗疾病。

6. **改善胃肠功能**:党参可以改善胃肠功能,对于长期胃病导致的消化不良有治疗作用。

7. **降血糖、调血脂**:党参具有一定的降血糖、调血脂作用,适合患有高血压、高血糖的中老年患者。



8. **延缓衰老**:党参的提取物可以提高超氧化物歧化酶活性,增强自由基清除能力,有助于延缓衰老。

9. **抗肿瘤、抗疲劳**:党参具有一定的抗肿瘤和抗疲劳作用。

– 党参不宜与藜芦同用。
– 实证、热证而正气不虚者不宜使用党参。
– 适量服用,过量可能导致不良反应。


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Oct 21, 2024


1. **改善消化系统**:佛手干具有疏肝理气、和中止呕的功效,对于因肝气郁结引起的胸闷、食欲不振、呕吐等症状有很好的缓解作用。


2. **调节内分泌**:佛手干含有多种有益成分,如挥发油、柠檬烯等,这些成分有助于调节人体内分泌,对女性的月经不调有一定的改善作用。

3. **抗氧化作用**:佛手干含有丰富的维生素C和多种微量元素,具有很好的抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。

4. **抗炎作用**:佛手干具有一定的抗炎作用,可以用于辅助治疗炎症性疾病。

5. **护肝保肝**:佛手干对肝脏有保护作用,可以用于辅助治疗肝脏疾病,如脂肪肝、肝炎等。


6. **提高免疫力**:佛手干中的植物蛋白、叶酸、烟酸等营养成分,有助于增强人体的免疫力。

7. **缓解咳嗽**:佛手干对于风热犯肺所致的头痛、咽干、咳嗽等症状有较好的食疗效果。

8. **促进睡眠**:佛手干具有安神的作用,对于失眠、焦虑等情绪问题有一定的缓解作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。


9. **美容养颜**:佛手干中的维生素C和抗氧化物质有助于净化血液,改善肤色,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

10. **心血管健康**:佛手干含有较高的锌元素,对于高血压、冠心病、脑血管病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


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Jul 12, 2024

At that time, several Shanxi businessmen in Qiao Zhiyong rushed in and shouted, "General Meng is not good!"

Meng Qingyou was stunned and didn’t know what was going on. He quickly got up and asked, "What’s wrong with the heads of families?"
Qiao Zhiyong gasped. "No, today, the semicolon in Hohhot sent a rush to the children. Yesterday, the Russian army attacked Hohhot and bloodied Hohhot, ransacking the wealthy families of large and small businesses in Hohhot and killing ten thousand people. Tragedy tragically, the semicolon was completely lost!"
Qiao Zhiyong not only shed tears.
Meng Qingyou was surprised and asked, "Sir, how come? Isn’t Hohhot still stationed with thousands of troops? What did the children do to eat? They lost it in Hohhot in one day! "
Qiao Zhiyong cried, "Whichever day killed the Russian army when it attacked the city and fled, and also took away one thousand elites, which led to the chaos of the morale of the Russian army and killed it in Hohhot without blowing off dust …"
At that time, a staff officer rushed in from the outside. "Commanding and commanding Hohhot Tribulus Branch sent an urgent Russian army to occupy Hohhot!"
Meng Qingyou frowned. "What’s wrong with these thistles? Master Joe has already come to deliver the message to us. How can we move this and what kind of broken efficiency! Damn it! "
The staff officer said, "Master Joe is different from this news. The commander-in-chief of the Russian army has sent a cavalry brigade to Baotou to kill him. It won’t be long before he can arrive in Baotou!"
The smell speech was a big surprise. Qiao Zhiyong cried and was in a hurry. This Baotou can be Qiao Zhiyong’s decades of hard work. If it is really conquered by the Russian army, the whole jstars will be weakened and devastated!
Qiao Zhiyong urgent "general meng, general meng how can this do? This is a brigade cavalry. How can we compete with others? This, this … "
Meng Qingyou drink "panic what! Isn’t it here yet? Even if the real Russian Cossack cavalry comes, why are there so many troops in Baotou? "
Qiao Zhiyong urgent "General Meng just hard to hear? That’s a brigade cavalry. That bastard in Hohhot abandoned the city and fled. Are those generals in Baotou strong? These green campers are not as good as the Hohhot army. "
Meng Qing cold "Joe old calm the sky doesn’t fall, even if the sky falls, it’s still an old top! Before leaving for the United States, the general told us to resolutely ensure that we are safe in case of enemy situations, and that we will safeguard our interests even if we die! "
Qiao Zhiyong heard Meng Qing Zhang Yi’s mood just gradually stabilized. He couldn’t help but say, "Alas, when will you be able to return to your country safely? The situation in your country is too chaotic now, and even the outside is not secure. How can you be steadfast in your old heart?"
Meng Qing "master heart in the belly, let’s add more than one thousand soldiers here, but also thirty Cang Lang brothers. If you don’t come, just let them go back and forth! Since the general Baotou has been handed over to him, unless he dies here, he will never let Baotou city be taken captive by Russia! "
Qiao Zhiyong’s mood was a little calmer. "General Meng is very assured of your ability. Our troops are too small. Only a thousand people can be six or seven thousand in a brigade in Russia. Maybe more. Can we stop it?"
Meng Qing answered, "Sir, first of all, the Russian army ambushed the long distance to ensure the speed. The heavy weapons are certainly not many carbine, sabre, heavy machine guns and heavy artillery. That means the tiger has lost its teeth. It is difficult for us to fly the Baotou wall without chaos." Second, aren’t there thousands of Qing troops in our city? If the Qing army in Baotou is United in resisting, but if it is also a guy who doesn’t lay eggs, then clean up now and collect the Qing army so that we can work together to resist the Russian army! "
Meng Qing then asked, "Sir, what do you know about Minshan, the deputy capital of Baotou?" Qiao Zhiyong sighed, "What can I do? In general, there are some guys who know how to search for land every year. I don’t know how many silver bullies have to take away from us. At ordinary times, local strongmen will swallow their anger and make money. But now when the Russian army comes, we won’t care if we live or die. When the army arrives, we will definitely be the first to escape!" Meng Qing’s eyes glistened and pondered for a moment. "Sir, now we can take risks, so you can go to see Minshan immediately. This time, we will let Cang Lang, our hand, go to find out Minshan’s attitude. If Minshan is willing to stick to Baotou, then we will stick to Baotou with four or five thousand troops, which is enough to fight against the Russian army. If we don’t agree, we will directly put it under house arrest and take hostages. Let’s also have a vassal!"
Chapter three hundred and ninety-three Meng Qingyou deployment
"Holding the sky to make the princes?" Qiao Zhiyong was shocked and looked at Meng Qing. "General Meng can’t succeed in this matter first. Even if it succeeds, Minshan will play a piece of paper in the court in the future, then they will all become rebels. What’s more, with so many guards in Minshan’s hands, how can the guards in the mansion be successful on weekdays?"
Meng Qing narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Master, when we had a small holiday with the general’s adult North Korea, even if the Japanese headquarters had been involved in it for days, the chief of staff of the Hunchenglv Brigade had a small deputy commander in chief. Can it be difficult to stay? You can rest assured that Hohhot will be almost 400 miles away from Baotou when you see it. We are expected to arrive in Baotou this afternoon. We will arrange troops first and then you will go to visit the deputy commander in chief of Minshan!"
This Meng Qing turned his head and shouted to the pro-guard, "Let’s immediately call the generals of peace preservation corps’s company to come here to discuss the urgency and let them run!"
Pro-health promised to go to order.
Meng Qing said to Qiao Zhiyong, "Sir, you need to start all the arms departments in our arsenal at noon. You must act immediately when you are afraid that we are going to war!"
Qiao Zhiyong nodded and handed Meng Qing a card. "What does General Meng want to write now? This warrant is for the weapons and ammunition department in Qiao’s warehouse to be at your disposal! I hope that this time, our Shanxi businessmen can survive this war! "
Several housekeepers have also said, "Don’t be afraid of General Meng’s disaster. If you can repel the Russian Cossack cavalry this time, you can give me whatever you want!"
Everyone has been frightened by the Hohhot tragedy. If Baotou falls, the century-old foundation will be destroyed.
They were talking, and there were noisy footsteps outside Meng Qing’s door. Twenty or thirty backbone branches came to the manor to see Meng Qing.
Everyone shouted, "What happened to the captain? What’s the hurry to call you here?" "What happened to the captain?"
Meng Qingshen "everyone be quiet! I just received a report from Hohhot that Hohhot has now been occupied by the Russian army, and a brigade cavalry has been on its way to Baotou. We can have a big fight! "
Everyone here has come back from North Korea, and the elite soldiers have fought many battles, and they are all refreshed when they hear that they are going to fight.
Meng Qing drank, "Don’t listen to this. The Russian army has come to a whole brigade. Cossack cavalry are outnumbered. We have so many people. This battle is not easy!"
In the crowd, Li Leiluo is an important helper brought by Meng Qing. Now Cang Lang Li Leiluo’s strange smile "The captain is not frightened by the Russian army? Our brothers can all climb out of the dead with the general, and which one of them has a ghost life for more than ten days? What’s wrong with the Russian ghost? Why don’t we be better than the Japanese ghost? Always bleed the children! "
Meng Qing nu hum a "dog day Li Leiluo small ability? I’m an old hand at shooting. What can I do in front of the old man? Six or seven thousand cavalry is no small matter. Let’s die here. It doesn’t matter if we miss the general’s adult. When the event is small, the general will not recognize Cang Lang! "
Li Leiluo was beaten by Meng Qing without words.
Meng Qing: "This Russian attack came from Hohhot all the way to the west, and it is sure to attack from the east gate. The cavalry are estimated to be good. They will suddenly hit our walls three miles away. First, the triggered mine department has been transported from Fengtian for two years to bury two miles outside the east gate. It is the fastest time for Russian cavalry. It is difficult for us to stop when the time comes. We will give you a hard time here! Second, the heavy machine guns are ready to be overhauled by the Green Gun Department. Always be ready for the wall cavalry to be too fast, so the Green Gun can suppress their speed; Third, immediately send a cavalry to Baotou to meet Ba Gen teachers in western Liaoning. Even if we can’t keep Baotou, we must transfer the property of Qiao Lao and other shops. Fourth, Guo Jia immediately concluded that all our cavalry here are equipped with submachine guns, so we can get out of the city with more bullets and hide them immediately. When the Russian army attacked Baotou the most violently, it will attack our team from the oblique assassination. Remember to make a quick decision and not continue to fight to protect our strength. Fifth, Li Leiluo immediately married Cang Lang’s brother and allowed him to change his pistol into casual clothes. He will follow Joe to see Minshan Dog Day. It’s better to resist Russia than to be afraid of death. Let’s directly put him under house arrest and take over Baotou’s defense and take over the soldiers! In the sixth week, Zhou Ji led 50 people to Baotou Arsenal with weapons, ready to take over the arsenal at any time. The special artillery shell department transported it to the city heads and wanted everything that could benefit the resources. This time, we must avenge the elders in Hohhot! "
Meng Qing is Zhang Yi’s confidant, and now Zhang Enyuan is in charge of Cang Lang. He also said that at that time, Yuliang Cang Lang’s detachment leader, if Meng Qing was not appointed to Baotou by Zhang Yi, now I don’t know who can be in charge of Cang Lang. After this arrangement, the thinking is clear for the attack on Russia.
After Meng Qing’ an arranged everything, "Joe, let’s go and meet for a while. Which deputy commander of Minshan is in charge!" Qiao Zhiyong nodded. "Good old lady, we’ll get up as soon as we’re ready!" Now Qiao Zhiyong has to make a cross-heart. Qiao Zhiyong is going to rely on Zhang Yishen. Now he has also understood that Zhang Yi holds a heavy weight. Half of China’s elite soldiers can’t stand Zhang Yi in Fengtian court. Now the Reform Party has escaped. Don’t they all run to Fengtian? Cixi doesn’t even care about it. Who can let Qing rely on others to sit on the mountain? Can you turn a blind eye and Zhang Yi shelter what you are afraid of!
Chapter three hundred and ninety-four Holding Minshan
"Holding the sky to make the princes?" Qiao Zhiyong was shocked and looked at Meng Qing. "General Meng can’t succeed in this matter first. Even if it succeeds, Minshan will play a piece of paper in the court in the future, then they will all become rebels. What’s more, with so many guards in Minshan’s hands, how can the guards in the mansion be successful on weekdays?"
Meng Qing narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Master, when we had a small holiday with the general’s adult North Korea, even if the Japanese headquarters had touched it for days, the brigade commander’s chief of staff had once set up a small deputy commander-in-chief. Can it be difficult to live hard? You can rest assured that you will see it when you meet it.
This Meng Qing turned his head and shouted to the pro-guard, "Let’s immediately call the generals of peace preservation corps’s company to come here to discuss the urgency and let them run!"
Pro-health promised to go to order.
Meng Qing said to Qiao Zhiyong, "Sir, you need to start all the arms departments in our arsenal at noon. You must act immediately when you are afraid that we are going to war!"
Qiao Zhiyong nodded and handed Meng Qing a card. "What does General Meng want to write now? This warrant is for the weapons and ammunition department in Qiao’s warehouse to be at your disposal! I hope that this time, our Shanxi businessmen can survive this war! "
Several housekeepers have also said, "Don’t be afraid of General Meng’s disaster. If you can repel the Russian Cossack cavalry this time, you can give me whatever you want!"
Everyone has been frightened by the Hohhot tragedy. If Baotou falls, the century-old foundation will be destroyed.
They were talking, and there were noisy footsteps outside Meng Qing’s door. Twenty or thirty backbone branches came to the manor to see Meng Qing.
Everyone shouted, "What happened to the captain? What’s the hurry to call you here?" "What happened to the captain?"
Meng Qingshen "everyone be quiet! I just received a report from Hohhot that Hohhot has now been occupied by the Russian army, and a brigade cavalry has been on its way to Baotou. We can have a big fight! "
Everyone here has come back from North Korea, and the elite soldiers have fought many battles, and they are all refreshed when they hear that they are going to fight.
Meng Qing drank, "Don’t listen to this. The Russian army has come to a whole brigade. Cossack cavalry are outnumbered. We have so many people. This battle is not easy!"

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Jul 11, 2024

However, Yukime took a sentence and Long Yusong breathed a sigh of relief. Yukime said, "Millions of warships were destroyed and there was chaos outside the space. We can rest easy again. But you have saved hundreds of millions of lives in the space again."

When Xue Ji saw Long Yu’s sincere fear, she suddenly smiled. "It seems that you and I are here to criticize … but you seem to be too good to that Metz recently, right?"
Yu Long repeatedly said yes, that is, he explained the cause and effect of the matter seriously, saying that Yukime spoke again, but he said coyly, "So that’s it … I still think it’s better outside than Yu."
Yu Long didn’t know what Yukime wanted to do and asked, "What on earth did Sister Yukime come to see me about?"
Yukime said, "Nothing is coming to see you."
Yu Long smiled as soon as he heard it. "It won’t be entrusted by everyone, will it?"
Yukime laughed. "Are you guilty?"
"What am I guilty of?" Yu Long laughed. "I’ve been busy with the invasion of the Coalition forces outside the space …"
"Really?" Yukime walked up to Yu Long and stared at him. Suddenly, his lips blew a sigh at me and said, "It’s feminine."
With that, Yukime sat cross-legged in front of him. "It’s nothing for me, mainly because the sisters have opinions. After spending less time with Mace, even if you are active, you can’t override the sisters."
Yukime’s low-cut white dress is so eye-catching. Even the lace bra is faintly visible from Yu Long’s position.
Yukime twist a head seductively inclined Yu Long back one hand clutching his chest angry way "you now is bad ….. said Yukime will lean over.
Longyu is slightly moved.
Yukime also deliberately pretended to be confused. Maybe she thought it was funny to pretend like this. She blinked and asked, "What’s the next step?"
Yu Long said, "I’m going to go deep into the tiger and completely disintegrate the Shura Star Family to solve the problem once and for all."
Yukime should suddenly hold Yu Long’s crotch with a small hand and gently lift it and sit in his leg position.
Yukime whispered, "Or are you going with Mace?"
Yu Long grabbed her mountain peak with one hand from her armpit and said, "Yes, after all, she is familiar there."
Being rubbed by Yu Long for a while, Yukime became tender as soon as he got there. He took the opportunity to blow gently in Yukime’s ear. "It won’t be that you are going to be with me."
Yukime soft backhand hook in the man’s arms his neck greasy said, "of course I hope to never part with you, it’s me and my business. Besides, I’m too different from you, and I’ll follow, which may become a burden to you."
Yukime’s beautiful buttocks landed slowly in the depths of his throat, and a whisper seemed to be a little emotional. Yu Long touched Yukime’s pink buttocks with both hands, so tender and smooth that I couldn’t help admiring, "It’s beautiful …"
Yukime said, "I knew your mouth was sweet …"
Yu Long laughed. "I’m telling the truth."
Yukime smiled in a low voice. "You don’t know how many women are going to be fascinated by this mouth." She said that she hooked Yu Long’s boxiang tongue and spat his kiss.
After kissing, Yukime gasped all over. "Go with a sister …"
Long Yuxing gave her a big hand and picked her up a few steps and walked to the bed to let her kneel on the surface. Yukime put his hands on the bed and turned his back. "You haven’t answered me yet?"
"Well, it’s up to you," said Yu Long.
"Let Xiangxiang go!" Yukime said wearily, "She is the strongest of the sisters except Rowling … We can rest assured that she will follow."
"hmm!" Yu Long nodded, then stood up and stabbed the past to make the blood sacrifice infatuated, and now he is also moaning in his mouth.
After a round of peak, Yu Long turned her over and set up her snow-white slender legs for another expedition.
Yukime is more seductive than "Maria also wants to go …"
Yu Long said, "Good.
I haven’t seen her. I wonder if she’s okay? "
Yukime asked, "Why don’t you go to dangerous places? Although Leah lost her faith, every cloud has a silver lining inherited the Light Force, but Maria doesn’t partner with us … You should have a good training …"
"Now set you up first!" Grab Xue Ji’s snow-white slender ankles and continue to fight. "You are all sisters. You should bear with each other and love each other."
Yukime low smiles appealed "that depends on your means".
Yu Long positive color road "ensure rain and dew are stained"
Yukime chuckled, "You have to give your sisters a birthright when the war is over."
Yukime cheerfully said, "Of course, it’s not difficult for you to be big or small."
"Or Yukime elder sister know that it hurts me …" Yu Long laughed.
Yukime smile happily naked slender right leg lifted high on Yu Long’s shoulder "to somebody else even …"
Long Yu smiled and conquered again.
Yukime Yan mouth charming smile said, "Xiaoyu didn’t expect us to be like this … it’s really the world …"
After a while, Yukime rubbed his ankle lightly against the man’s neck and made him itch. "I’m looking forward to space travel day very much."
Yukime winked at Yu Long’s face and said, "I want to drain you once enough …" And both feet were put on his shoulder.

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Jul 10, 2024

"Little you want to die" King Karura slowly climbed out of the pit and became human.

"Fuck you" Qin Shaojie put away Raytheon’s cold hum a amber sword and appeared in his hand.
"Can you hit me on the ground?" King Karuna spoke with a golden sword "shua" and cut Qin Shaojie down.
Qin Shaojie ducked sideways and cut this sword, followed by a royal thunder rune, which was played out against the king of Karura. Because the distance was too tight, although the king of Karura quickly closed his sword to resist, he was blown out by this rune. It can be seen from a distance that Qin Shaojie played a royal thunder rune with Raytheon power. If it weren’t for this king of Karura’s great achievements in the scattered fairy period, I’m afraid this rune would have killed him just now.
"Bastard, a little Lei Jie repair can also make me so embarrassed." King Karura now wishes to cramp Qin Shaojie and skin himself, but he can’t beat a Lei Jie repair.
"What nonsense!" Qin Shaojie said impatiently. Qin Shaojie had been greeted with an amber sword, and the instant blood red amber sword collided with the golden sword of Karura King.
"taiji sword"
Qin Shaojie drank a taiji sword and cast his mana. The blood-red shock wave went straight to King Garullo.
"Tai Chi swordsmanship, hey hey, you’re still a little short." Said the king of Karura, and then the golden sword greeted the amber sword.
Qin Shaojie frightened him in his heart. How could he know Tai Chi sword?
"You …"
"Jie Jie, I can’t believe it." King Karura’s mouth kept talking, but the same Tai Chi swordsmanship drove Qin Shaojie back in a mess.
"If you had just made your sword array, I might have made some efforts," said King Garullo. "It’s late now."
Qin Shaojie was entangled in the King of Karuna for a while, so he could retreat and defend at the same time.
"Old guy to find a way to" Qin Shaojie to ghost urgent way.
"Think of some way to run."
"How come I can’t run as fast as him, as high as him, and I can’t get away from him?"
"Yes, yes, two places at once" said the ghost.
"How busy busy? Pull out a lock of hair and blow it out? "
"You’re dying and you’re in the mood for jokes," said Ghost grumpily.
"The yogi will have a Yuan baby when he reaches the Yuan baby stage, and Li Yuan baby will also turn into a busy person to resist one for you."
"I depend on that. If he wants to ruin my baby, I won’t hang up?"
"No, it’s a busy yogi who can do it in the Yuan baby period. Just look at it. If I can make ten busy people at most," Ghost explained.
Because of the communication with the ghost, Qin Shaojie was distracted and was seized by the Karuna King, so he swept over with a sword to resist the fact that he could not come. Qin Shaojie could quickly transport the mixed heart sutra.
I didn’t expect the golden sword to penetrate the mixed Yuan Heart Sutra to protect the body, but the firm but gentle sword abruptly drew a line on Qin Shaojie’s chest, and his chest was also marked with a blood print by the firm but gentle sword.
Qin Shaojie also did not resist the fast retreat.
If Qin Shaojie hadn’t dissolved most of the strength just now, he would have been torn open.
It seems that his mixed Yuan Sutra is not enough to resist this scattered fairy period Dacheng Garuda and Yijian Wang.
This will not be a melee in which Qin Shaojie does not have Raytheon wings. Then Raytheon wings are cumbersome. Although the attack and defense are strong, they can’t hold Garuda and Wang Jian faster. When he waves his wings to resist, his sword has arrived. It is better not to.
"Fast busy" ghost urgent way
"Spell with ya" Qin Shaojie bit his teeth and drank for a moment. After a few moments, a few ghostly images flashed out of his body. Seventeen identical Qin Shaojie appeared in front of the King Karuna.
"You are so bad that there are seventeen busy people. You really can’t support it again." Seeing this is Qin Shaojie, a total of ten figures, suddenly frightened.
"I don’t care about so many beautiful women in my hometown. I don’t want to die yet." Qin Shaojie gritted his teeth and said that he would drink in anger before he could say anything.
"The two instruments are like Tianji array"
Instantaneous 17 incarnation hands will appear a blood-red amber sword.
"Small this … this is Wudang Seven-Star Sword Array. When did you learn it?" I wonder why this small one is always surprising.
No wonder, no wonder, he tried to use up the real yuan to make seventeen members, counting himself as ten, which happened to be the number of people who made up the two instruments.

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