Nov 16, 2024


### 营养价值
1. **蛋白质和健康脂肪**:南瓜子含有丰富的优质蛋白质和健康脂肪,对于肌肉的建设和健康非常有益。


2. **膳食纤维**:富含膳食纤维,有助于消化系统的健康,预防便秘。
3. **维生素和矿物质**:含有多种维生素(如B1、B2、C)和矿物质(如镁、锌),这些成分对心血管健康、免疫系统功能、神经系统和前列腺健康都有益。

### 健康益处
1. **前列腺健康**:南瓜子中含有的不饱和脂肪酸、维生素E、维生素B1、镁、锌等成分,对前列腺健康特别有益,有助于预防前列腺疾病。
2. **驱虫和杀虫**:南瓜子具有良好的驱虫和杀虫作用,能有效杀灭人体内的寄生虫,如蛲虫、钩虫等。
3. **心血管健康**:南瓜子中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于维护心血管健康,降低血脂。
4. **免疫系统功能**:南瓜子中的锌和维生素E能增强免疫系统功能。
5. **补肾降糖**:生食南瓜子对男性有补肾降糖、改善精子质量的益处。
6. **消炎杀虫**:熟食南瓜子具有消炎杀虫的功效。
7. **促进生长发育**:南瓜子中的锌元素对于人体生长发育有重要作用。
8. **养颜护肤**:南瓜子含有丰富的维生素E,有助于防止皮肤衰老、防止色素沉着,改善肤质。

### 注意事项
1. **适量食用**:建议每天食用20-30克左右的南瓜子,过多食用可能会导致体重增加、血脂升高。


2. **特定人群不宜食用**:高血脂人群、胆囊炎患者、胃病患者等人应减少南瓜子的摄入。
3. **饮食搭配**:不宜与羊肉、醋、菠菜、红薯、红枣等食物同时食用。


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Nov 14, 2024


1. **药用价值**:
– **止咳定喘**:千日红具有止咳定喘的功效,适用于治疗慢性或喘息性支气管炎、百日咳、哮喘等呼吸系统疾病。


– **活血通经**:对于女性月经不调、痛经、恶露不行、症瘕、跌打损伤等症状,千日红有活血通经、散瘀、消肿止痛的作用。
– **头痛风、尿道不通**:千日红对于头痛风、尿道不畅等疾病也有一定的治疗作用。
– **清肺祛痰平喘**:千日红晒干后可入药,对于肺病、呼吸道疾病有良好的治疗效果。

2. **保健饮品**:
– **千日红茶**:将千日红晒干后可泡茶饮用,既可作为一种保健饮料,又能调节身体机能。

3. **观赏价值**:
– **美化环境**:千日红花朵色彩鲜艳,花期长,是美化环境、提升景观价值的理想植物。

4. **食疗作用**:
– **降低胆固醇和高脂血症**:千日红果实中的红花子油具有降低胆固醇和高脂血症的作用。


– **软化和扩张血管**:红花子油还能软化和扩张血管,预防衰老,调节内分泌。

5. **其他用途**:
– **制作药丸**:千日红可以加工成药丸,用于治疗头痛风、尿道不畅等疾病。


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Nov 8, 2024


1. **改善睡眠**:分心木常被用于改善睡眠问题。它有助于调节神经系统,对于因神经原因导致的失眠有显著效果。

2. **补肾健脾**:分心木具有补肾健脾的功效,特别适用于治疗尿频、尿急、尿多等泌尿系统疾病,对男性生殖系统问题也有一定的疗效。

3. **收敛固涩**:分心木具有收敛遗精、止泻止痢的作用,对于肾虚引起的遗精、滑泄、腹泻等症状有治疗作用。

4. **利尿清热**:分心木还有利尿清热的效果,可以用于治疗淋病尿血、暑热泻痢等。

5. **调节月经**:对于女性月经不调、白带过多等问题,分心木也有一定的治疗作用。

6. **增强体质**:分心木能够增强体质,缓解疲劳,改善精神状态。

7. **降血压、降血脂**:分心木具有一定的降血压、降血脂、降低胆固醇和甘油三酯的功效,对预防心脑血管疾病有积极作用。


8. **辅助治疗多种病症**:分心木还可用于治疗手脚冰凉、腰膝酸软、四肢无力、遗精、滑精、阳痿、早泄、性功能减退、失眠、健忘、记忆力减退、更年期综合症、产后虚弱、术后无力、大便干燥、口干、口苦、神经官能症、神经衰弱等。


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Nov 5, 2024


1. **增强免疫力**:金桔富含维生素C,这是一种强大的抗氧化剂,有助于增强人体的免疫系统,抵抗疾病。

2. **抗氧化作用**:金桔中的维生素C和类黄酮等成分具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。


3. **缓解喉咙不适**:金桔具有润喉作用,对于喉咙痛、咳嗽等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **帮助消化**:金桔中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能。

5. **降低血脂**:金桔中的某些成分有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,对心血管健康有益。

6. **美容养颜**:金桔中的维生素C和维生素E等成分有助于保持皮肤弹性和光泽,具有美容养颜的效果。

7. **改善睡眠**:冰糖金桔炖煮具有一定的安神作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。

8. **缓解压力**:金桔中的香气成分有助于缓解压力,使人放松。


9. **预防感冒**:金桔中的维生素C有助于预防感冒,增强抵抗力。

10. **保护视力**:金桔中的维生素A和胡萝卜素有助于保护视力,预防眼部疾病。


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Oct 31, 2024


1. **增强体质**:适量的运动,如跑步,可以增强肌肉力量,提高心肺功能,使身体更加健康。

2. **预防疾病**:通过合理的饮食和生活方式,可以降低患心脏病、高血压、糖尿病等慢性疾病的风险。


3. **调节情绪**:运动如跑步,不仅能锻炼身体,还能释放压力,改善情绪,对心理健康有益。

4. **延缓衰老**:如崂山绿茶等含有抗氧化成分的饮品,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老过程。


5. **改善消化系统功能**:如生姜能促进消化液分泌,有助于消化,预防肠胃疾病。

6. **提升免疫力**:合理的饮食和良好的生活习惯可以增强人体免疫力,抵御疾病。

7. **美容养颜**:如西红柿富含维生素C,可以美容防衰老,保持皮肤健康。

8. **减轻肾脏负担**:素食可以减轻肾脏的负担,对肾脏病患者有益。

9. **预防骨质疏松**:素食中的某些成分有助于预防骨质疏松。

10. **促进血液循环**:如茶多酚可以扩张血管,促进血液循环,对心血管疾病有防治作用。

11. **减轻精神压力**:通过运动、茶饮等方式,可以有效减轻生活中的压力。

12. **改善睡眠质量**:良好的生活习惯有助于改善睡眠质量,提高生活质量。


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Oct 27, 2024



1. **减肥功效**:全麦面包的热量相对较低,有利于控制饮食中的热量摄入,帮助减肥。全麦面包富含纤维素,可以增加饱腹感,减少食物摄入量。

2. **软化心血管**:全麦食品有助于降低心力衰竭的发病率,因为它能减少胆固醇的吸收,降低血压,维护心血管健康。


3. **预防糖尿病**:全麦面包具有低血糖生成指数(GI),能够缓慢释放热量,减少胰岛素的波动,有助于控制血糖水平,预防糖尿病。

4. **促进健康消化**:全麦面包含有丰富的膳食纤维,特别是不溶性纤维,有助于促进肠道运动,预防便秘,并有助于排除肠道内的毒素。

5. **丰富的营养素**:全麦面包含有B族维生素、维生素E以及锌、钾等矿物质,这些营养素对于身体的正常运作至关重要。

6. **预防和改善疾病**:全麦面包中的维生素B和粗纤维有助于改善食欲不振、腰酸背痛等症状,对皮肤病也有预防和治疗作用。

7. **美容瘦身**:全麦面包中的纤维和矿物质有助于美容瘦身,促进肠道蠕动,减少脂肪堆积。

8. **缓解压力**:全麦面包中的营养成分有助于缓解压力,提高人的精神状态。

9. **预防癌症**:全麦食品中的纤维和抗氧化物质有助于降低某些癌症的风险。

10. **控制血糖和胆固醇**:全麦面包中的纤维有助于控制血糖和胆固醇水平,对心血管健康有益。


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Oct 23, 2024



1. **保湿**:倩碧润肤黄油能够为肌肤提供长效保湿效果,帮助肌肤锁住水分,维持肌肤的水油平衡。

2. **形成保护膜**:使用后,它能形成一层天然的保护膜,保护肌肤免受外界环境的伤害。

3. **滋润肌肤**:这款产品能有效滋润肌肤,使肌肤由内而外保持弹润,保持肌肤的活力。

4. **促进吸收**:倩碧润肤黄油能够帮助后续的护肤品更好地吸收,提升护肤品的功效。

5. **适应不同肤质**:倩碧润肤黄油有油性和无油性两种,油性适合干性和中性肌肤,无油性适合油性和混合性肌肤。

6. **抗氧化**:部分倩碧润肤黄油产品含有抗氧化成分,可以帮助抵抗自由基,减少肌肤氧化损伤。

7. **维持肌肤健康**:通过复制肌肤自然的水油平衡状态,有效防止肌肤水分流失及过敏现象,使肌肤保持健康状态。

8. **易于使用**:倩碧润肤黄油质地细腻,易于涂抹和吸收,使用方法简单。


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Oct 19, 2024


1. **补益肝肾**:何首乌具有补肝肾、益精血的作用,对于肝肾不足引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有很好的改善效果。

2. **养血滋阴**:适用于血虚萎黄、心悸失眠、须发早白等症状,能够滋养阴血,使身体恢复活力。

3. **润肠通便**:何首乌能够润肠通便,对于肠燥便秘有缓解作用。


4. **乌须发**:何首乌被广泛用于治疗须发早白,能够促进黑发生长,防止脱发。


5. **抗衰老**:何首乌具有抗氧化作用,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老过程。

6. **降血脂**:何首乌能够降低血脂,对高血脂症患者有一定的保健作用。

7. **抗动脉粥样硬化**:通过降低血脂,何首乌有助于预防动脉粥样硬化。

8. **保肝作用**:何首乌含有卵磷脂,有助于修复肝脏的脂肪代谢,具有保肝作用。

9. **抗菌止血**:何首乌中的蒽醌类化合物具有抗菌作用,并能促进血小板的形成,提高血管通透性,防止血液凝固。

10. **增强免疫力**:何首乌能够增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。


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Jul 10, 2024

[Big bang and 16 words]

Chapter VII Chapter 26 Women will be loyal to the real strong
Yu has been waiting for the opportunity {p According to Mace, Phelps > He is charming. Now he just has to wait.
Suddenly there was a noisy footstep outside. Yu Long felt a tight heart and secretly thought that it should be someone. He quickly looked at it carefully.
Honey, it was Mace who entered the door with Phelps, accompanied by a large number of guards. At least 1,000 people can make the warship full.
A few minutes later, Phelps’ guard took over the warship face to face, and even spared a corner. Fortunately, the guard at the scene was not too strong to be in Yu Long at the root.
Through the sealed cabin window, Yu Long’s warships are surrounded by iron drums. It is estimated that even flies can’t fly out. Of course, it is impossible for flies to fly
Even if there is, it’s a monster
Mace led Phelps’s Battleship Department all the way and looked at it with a frown. "Two kings, what is this? How can we do things when so many people are present? "
Phelps Wei: I smiled and said, "Don’t worry. When my people finish the security check, they won’t appear so obviously. Then they will definitely go wherever they should … In fact, don’t you think it is more exciting in front of everyone?"
Yet a mace suddenly cold a nu way "two king please self-respect … If you really want to do so, please go back …"
"I-I might as well go to Hall," Mace said. "Hall is not as ashamed as you are."
Phelps’s eyes flashed with anger when he heard the color, but he didn’t say anything about it. He nodded slightly. "Since I agreed to come to the battleship in the dark star domain, everything should be done according to your dark star domain."
"Good," said Mace. "We’re more like a deal."
"the so-called!"
Phelps shrugged and said, "I care if I can get you."
In-situ love turned into a deal in the end.
The fig leaf before the transaction has been completely removed.
This is the cruelty of reality.
Two hours later, the captain of Phelps’ guard gave a signal that everything was safe. Phelps smiled with satisfaction and ordered everyone to retreat.
Mace took him to his boudoir, which is exactly where Yu Long hid. When the hatch closed, Phelps jumped on him.
Seriously, he couldn’t hold it any longer.
At the moment, what he thinks in his heart is to suppress this woman and do whatever he wants.
Suddenly, a strong force bounced Phelps back, and he was hit hard. When he got up, his body suddenly froze.
Because he saw the last person he wanted to see. The devil was like Yu Long.
"You … you’re here?" Phelps rubbed his eyes, wishing it was a dream, but his eyes ached, and the man was still real.
At this point, Phelps, no matter how stupid he is, can think of the whole story. He turned to Mace Phelps and said, "Bitch, you set me up?"
Mace chuckled and disdained, "This is your lewd scene."
It was a slap in the face when Alice walked over to Phelps.
"You son of a bitch … today is the day you die," Mace said bitterly. "You don’t even look at your virtue and want to hit on me."
"Bitch, I swear I will kill you one day …" Phelps shouted, "The battleship is mine and the surrounding star fields are blocked by my fleet, so you can’t escape from my palm."
Yu Long chuckled and took a few steps forward and said, "You’re right, but I have to wake you up with a few facts. You are in our hands now because you can’t walk out of this room."
"Don’t be complacent too soon." Phelps went down and secretly pressed the alarm. In an instant, the captain of his guard would know that something had happened to him.
"My men will come in," Phelps said proudly. "Mace, a bitch, you’re pleading with me now."
"Idiot, don’t let your guard know that your situation is impossible." Yu Long disdained to smile. "The whole house was under my control and the warning signal root didn’t go out."
"You … is that possible?" Phelps feels incredible because his warning device is the latest technology of Shura Star Domain family, which can put back the signal even across the star domain without energy interference.
He didn’t believe it was true, but the fact that a minute passed, he didn’t return to the door of the reply and nothing happened.
"No matter how high-tech it is in the face of absolute power," Mace chuckled with disdain and ridicule.
"Phelps, listen up! This woman is me!" Long Yu smiled and stretched out his hand toward Phelps. In an instant, his body strength was sealed, and even it was impossible to move a body.
"Look at the woman, it’s me!" Yu Long smiled vaguely and walked over to put Mace’s arms around her big hand. Then she kneaded Mace’s charming body for a while, and her beautiful eyes became confused. The glittering and translucent jade cheeks flew two attractive flushed eyes, and her charming body became tender and tender.
Mace couldn’t bear to tease the jade hand. He grabbed Long Yuzheng’s bad hand and twisted his charming body if he left the ground. His beautiful eyes were covered with water mist and he gasped, "Don’t … who else?"
"Ha ha!" Yu Long laughed. "Didn’t Phelps say that some people are more exciting sometimes? Let’s try it now … "
Mace’s charming body is as soft as cotton as if it had no bones, and her charming face is full of provocative red tides, rosy clouds and beautiful waves of spring. She glanced at Phelps and then said to Long Yujiao, "Phelps, some women are not what you can enjoy … You can’t even beat Hall, that waste. Why can a woman be a real strong woman?"
Yu Long said with a hearty smile, "Did Phelps hear how accurate Mace’s evaluation of you is? You are really a waste … You don’t even know that you have been tricked by Hall."
"Trick?" Phelps is a bit stunned.
[ps: I’m sorry that Chixue coughed badly and took out the needle at noon. Today, the law exploded. I hope everyone can understand that there are so many more cough remedies today! ! 】
Chapter 7 Chapter 20 A little surprised
However, Metz also got some benefits from the combination. The integration of Yin and Yang has been stuck in her heart. Through the integration with Yu Long’s physical strength, Metz’s physical fitness has become more vigorous and the majestic meridians have become more smooth and accessible.
In the middle of the night, Yu Long looked down at her side, sleeping sweetly, and the beautiful smiling face of the sleeping beauty was still full of lingering charm and tiredness.

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Jul 10, 2024

According to the leaked news, one of the five judges was passed, and everyone voted yes. It should be King Li Chu, and now he knows that he actually voted against it.

Li Chu looked at the king with a surprised expression and smiled. "If you don’t look at me like this, you should know me. I don’t have Chinese and western medicine here, no matter Chinese medicine or western medicine. What is it that we study so hard?
I don’t care about your major at all. I’ll see if your medical skills are qualified. Can you establish effective communication with patients? If you don’t understand these things at all, how can you make patients follow the doctor’s advice? "
Li Chu said that these facts are also obscure points of a king.
Because he found that when Wang communicates with patients, he often talks about something very professional, and patients and their families can nod blankly, but in the end they don’t understand anything.
It’s the same for judging. If several judges don’t understand what you say, do you expect him to pass it for you? I’m afraid I want to eat fart
Last year, a surgeon asked him to tell a story about a case and what to do. The doctor came and Li Chu interrupted him directly.
I can see that the doctor’s medical skill and surgical ability are still good. Li Chu interrupted him and was willing to give him a chance
At that time, after interrupting him, Li Chu told him that you would just tell me what you are going to cut after you open your stomach. What will be the consequences after you cut that piece? How to recover after surgery and what you need to pay attention to.
The result was not bad, but the surgeon finally passed, and when he first started to talk, the administrator of the evaluation team and a doctor were both falling asleep.
Chapter two hundred and forty Speech
Wang Zhu was glad to leave Li Chu’s clinic.
Give him this story and make Li Chu thirsty, hold the tea urn and thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.
Put the tea urn Li Chu sighed. There is almost no secret in China, whether in officialdom or in the workplace. Like their jury, it is said that it is a secret ballot, but it won’t be long before everyone knows what you actually vote for.
Just like just now, Li Chu, the king, suspected that maybe he didn’t know it himself. At that time, the king already knew who would be his judge.
Fortunately, the king knew that he didn’t ask himself for a specific review, but asked something that needed attention
Otherwise, Li Chugan can guarantee that he will definitely upset people and there is more than one person who hasn’t ordered relatives and friends yet.
This judge is really an offence.
At lunch, Ding Qiunan put the cooked food on the table and asked, "Li Chu, your judging panel will evaluate the king next week, right?"
Li Chugang picked up chopsticks to eat and stopped. "How do you know?"
"People say so, and they say that the king will certainly pass this time with you."
"Who said that he would definitely pass with me?"
Ding Qiunan Kabbah looked at her husband with big eyes and asked, "Will you not let the king pass?"
"This ….." Li Chu are a little don’t know what to say.
"This is who I let who can have a problem? There are five people in our group, and if no one else has given it to me, what can I do? "
"Then how do I know that everyone else is like this anyway?" Ding Qiunan shrugged his shoulders
She got used to her husband, but she learned everything.
Li Chu was lost in thought after listening to his wife’s words.
This is selfish public opinion, put pressure on yourself.
So this time, whether the king can pass or not, he can’t fall well.
If you can’t pass it, the hospital will not be easy after he doesn’t care about human feelings; If it passes, it is Li Chu who takes care of his own people.
Anyway, it won’t fall well at both ends
"Wife, who are you listening to?"
"Why do you ask?" Ding Qiunan looked up and asked with a bulging mouth.
Li Chu analyzed the things for her while eating.
"So to speak, you are not flattering this review!"
Li Chu nodded silently.
Ding Qiunan thought carefully for a moment before saying, "You asked me to say who I came from, but if I remember correctly, I first heard this from the pediatric inpatient department."
Then it took me a long time to listen to them when I returned to the outpatient hall. "
"What are you doing in the pediatric inpatient department?"
"I went there to deliver fried medicine to a child, and I heard two nurses in pediatrics whispering. I heard them say that they were judging the king. They didn’t say anything when they saw me. I was also boring at that time."
"Oh, what’s all this? Let’s eat quickly. My wife will have a rest after eating."
"Then how are you going to solve this matter?"
"I’ll think about it. It’s okay. There’s still a week left.
By the way, it’s still a party for my wife at noon, and the hotel Song Tangyuan has already booked it. "
Ding Qiunan took the last bite of rice into his mouth and satisfied himself with a burp.
"Family members are going? I won’t go without my family. "
Li Chu took a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to his wife to wipe her mouth.
"I’m sure I’ll all go, just like the second time."
"But then I’ll go." After wiping my mouth, Ding Qiunan returned the handkerchief to him and then pushed the lunch box. "I’ll go to bed first, you can eat slowly, and you can wash the lunch box later." Then I ran away.
Li Chu looked at her back and smiled. It has become a habit for his wife to sleep at noon now. If she is not allowed to take a nap, she will have no energy all afternoon.
After eating and washing the lunch box, Li Chu staggered to the clinic.
"Dr. Li Dafu"
Someone behind him called him Li Chu. Looking back, it was the king of nephrology who told him to run to him.
Panting, the king ran to him, bent down, put his hands on his knees and gasped.
"What’s the matter, Wang Zhu ran in such a hurry?"
"Whoo-hoo …" It seems that the king was really tired. He raised his hand and took a few breaths before he said, "Li … Dr. Li, I came to explain to you that it didn’t go out from me."
Although the words have no head or tail, Li Chu smiled and said, "The king has tired you like this."
The king straightened up and said, "I must find you to explain clearly that this is obviously a plot against me."
Li Chu, of course, knows that it can’t be the king. It’s not good for him to come out.
"I don’t want you to worry that we are not afraid of the shadow."
"It’s best if you can think like this, Dr. Li. I didn’t hear about it until I got back at noon. I ran over without eating, and I was afraid you would misunderstand me here."
"You worry too much. Go back to dinner quickly, Lord Wang."
"Okay, okay, then I’ll go."
They just took two steps apart, and Li Chu turned back and stopped him. "Mr. Wang, I just heard about it and deliberately inquired about it. It is said that it first came out from the pediatric inpatient department."
With that, Li Chu turned and left, leaving the king in place thoughtfully.
"Hum, if you want to make things difficult for me, I don’t care whether you are looking for something for me or have been enemies with the king, someone will find out." Li Chubian thought as he walked.
This matter is particularly disgusting now, which is equivalent to putting Li Chu and Wang Zhu in the middle.
This Li Chu kicked the ball to the king. Let’s see what he does with it.
This is not just a review, it involves whether the king can raise his salary. If the rating is successful this time, the king will get more than 20 yuan a month.
If the king doesn’t pass the review because of this statement, it will be this time in 2008. How much less money will he take this year? Blocking people’s money is like killing their parents.
Li Chu believes that the king will find out.
Humming a ditty, Ding Qiunan went back to the clinic and fell asleep in bed.
Didn’t disturb his wife’s sleep. Li Chu poured himself a glass of water softly, then sat down in the chair and picked up the table. He looked leisurely.
Chapter two hundred and forty-nine Drunk
At noon on Sunday, the class reunion began at twelve o’clock and ended at five o’clock in the afternoon.
If Song Tangyuan hadn’t known the public manager of the hotel, it is estimated that the hotel staff would have typed them out long ago.

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