Jan 2, 2025




1. 人星菜凉拌


2. 人星菜炒肉片


3. 人星菜炖鸡汤



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Nov 12, 2024


1. **补脾益气:** 甘草可增强脾胃功能,适用于脾胃虚弱、倦怠乏力、心悸怔忡等症状。
2. **润肺止咳:** 甘草具有润肺止咳的作用,可用于治疗咳嗽、痰多等呼吸道疾病。


3. **清热解毒:** 甘草可清热解毒,适用于治疗痈疽疮疡、咽喉肿痛等热毒性疾病。
4. **调和诸药:** 甘草在复方中可缓和药物烈性,使不同性质的药物协调作用。


5. **缓急止痛:** 甘草有缓解疼痛的功效,可用于治疗胃痛、头痛等。
6. **抗炎作用:** 甘草具有抗炎作用,可用于治疗慢性溃疡和十二指肠溃疡等。
7. **增强免疫功能:** 甘草可增强机体免疫功能,提高抵抗力。

1. **久服或过量:** 长期大量服用甘草可能导致血钠升高、钾排出增多,引起高血压、低血钾症、水肿、软瘫等症状。
2. **肾阴虚与肾阳虚:** 甘草对肾阴虚与肾阳虚无明显作用,故在补血、补阴、补阳的方剂中往往少用或不用。
3. **与降压药同用:** 甘草与降压药同用可能导致血压过低。
4. **与鲤鱼同食:** 甘草与鲤鱼同食可能引起中毒。
5. **脾胃虚弱者:** 湿阻、胸腹胀满、呕吐、浮肿者忌用甘草。


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Nov 9, 2024


1. **抗氧化与延缓衰老**:刺五加苷具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓人体衰老过程,保护细胞免受自由基的损害。


2. **调节代谢**:刺五加能够调节蛋白质、糖、脂肪的代谢,促进肝细胞再生,增强机体对有害刺激及细菌毒素的抵抗力。

3. **抗疲劳作用**:刺五加的抗疲劳效果显著,其作用强度甚至超过人参苷,对于提高工作效率和运动表现具有积极作用。


4. **神经系统双向调节**:刺五加对神经系统具有双向调节作用,可以调节肾上腺、甲状腺、性腺功能和血糖代谢,维持这些系统在正常状态。

5. **扩张血管,改善血流**:刺五加提取物可扩张脑部血管,改善大脑的血流供应,有助于调节血压。

6. **益气健脾,补肾安神**:刺五加味辛、微苦,性温,具有益气健脾、补肾安神、祛风除湿的功效,用于治疗脾肾阳虚、腰膝酸痛、筋骨拘挛、步履乏力、失眠多梦等症状。

7. **治疗多种疾病**:刺五加在临床中常用于治疗神经衰弱、冠心病、白细胞减少症、慢性气管炎、癌症等多种疾病。

8. **增强免疫力**:刺五加能够增强机体的免疫功能,提高对有害刺激的非特异性抵抗力。

9. **保护心血管系统**:刺五加有助于降低血压,预防冠心病等心血管疾病。

10. **改善睡眠质量**:刺五加有助于改善睡眠质量,对心悸、健忘等症状有缓解作用。

11. **提高生活质量**:刺五加作为价廉物美的中药材,被广泛应用于日常保健,有助于提高人们的生活质量。


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Nov 6, 2024


1. **界面医用敷料**:界面医用敷料特别适用于医美修复和痘痘肌术后补水保湿。用户反馈显示,对于夏天晒伤后的修复效果显著,能有效缓解晒伤后的不适。

2. **颈椎冷敷贴**:对于颈椎病,颈椎冷敷贴可以起到冷敷理疗、缓解疼痛、镇痛消肿的作用。适用于颈椎退行性改变、颈椎骨性关节炎、颈椎病史导致的颈部软组织劳损等,对颈肩痛有消炎去痛的效果。

3. **寸善堂黑膏药**:寸善堂黑膏药主要用于筋骨的冷敷理疗,适用于颈肩痛、颈椎病、肩周炎、腰椎突出增生、关节炎、跌打损伤等多种病症的辅助治疗。


4. **安神医用冷敷贴**:对于失眠问题,安神医用冷敷贴通过其主要成分如龙骨、珍珠等,具有安神、养心养肝和益气补血的功效,对失眠症状有缓解作用。

5. **颈椎冷敷贴**:冷敷贴对于颈椎病有一定的缓解效果,可以缓解疼痛、镇痛和消肿,适用于颈部软组织劳损、颈肩痛等症状。

6. **晋月堂医用冷敷贴**:对于腰椎间盘膨出等腰部问题,晋月堂医用冷敷贴通过使用黑膏药的方式,提供了没有痛苦且见效快的治疗体验。

7. **肩周炎冷敷贴**:仟源肩周炎冷敷贴适用于肩周炎的治疗,通过缓解肩周的无菌性炎症,帮助患者改善肩周疼痛和关节僵硬等症状。

8. **医用冷敷贴**:医用冷敷贴在皮肤疾病的辅助治疗中也有显著效果,适用于急救皮肤问题或针对特定功效,对于皮肤敏感者尤其推荐。

– 缓解疼痛和炎症;
– 促进局部血液循环;
– 改善皮肤状况;
– 辅助治疗多种疾病。


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Oct 30, 2024


1. **蛋白质丰富**:兰花豆含有较高的蛋白质,每100克兰花豆含有约28.2克蛋白质,这在豆类中仅次于大豆,且氨基酸种类齐全,特别是赖氨酸含量丰富,对于身体组织的修复和生长具有重要意义。

2. **补中益气**:传统中医认为,兰花豆具有补中益气的功效,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **涩津实肠**:兰花豆还有助于涩津实肠,对于腹泻有一定的预防和缓解效果。

4. **钙质补充**:兰花豆富含钙质,每100克约含有49毫克钙,有助于骨骼健康,预防骨质疏松。

5. **健脑益智**:兰花豆中含有磷脂和丰富的胆碱,对于大脑和神经组织有益,可以增强记忆力,对脑力劳动者和学生有很好的辅助作用。

6. **促进消化**:由于兰花豆中含有膳食纤维,可以促进肠胃蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘。


7. **预防心脑血管疾病**:膳食纤维还有助于降低胆固醇,促进排便,从而有利于预防心脑血管疾病。

8. **其他微量元素**:兰花豆中还含有铁、磷、钾、锌、硒等多种微量元素,以及维生素B族、维生素C、维生素E、生物素、胡萝卜素、叶酸等,对人体健康具有多种积极作用。


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Oct 29, 2024


1. **滋补肾阴**:六味地黄丸的主要功效是滋补肾阴,适用于肾阴亏损所致的各种症状。如腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、骨蒸潮热、盗汗遗精等。


2. **增强免疫功能**:六味地黄丸可以增强机体的免疫功能,提高机体抵抗力,对于预防和治疗某些感染性疾病有一定的辅助作用。

3. **调节内分泌**:对于内分泌系统疾病,如甲状腺功能亢进、糖尿病等,六味地黄丸可以通过调节内分泌系统,辅助治疗。

4. **改善肾功能**:六味地黄丸对慢性肾炎有一定的治疗作用,可以改善肾脏功能,减少蛋白尿。

5. **治疗过敏性疾病**:如过敏性鼻炎,六味地黄丸可以通过调节免疫功能,抑制过敏反应,起到治疗作用。

6. **改善心脑血管功能**:六味地黄丸对高血压、高血脂等心脑血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **抗衰老作用**:六味地黄丸被认为具有抗衰老的作用,可以改善皮肤状况,延缓衰老过程。

8. **治疗消化系统疾病**:如上消化道出血等,六味地黄丸可以起到一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **其他**:六味地黄丸还可用于治疗前列腺炎、遗尿症、不孕不育等疾病。


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Oct 22, 2024


1. **治疗脱发**:侧柏叶具有凉血止血、散肿热的功效,对于因血热或体质过热引发的脱发有很好的治疗效果。使用侧柏叶煎水洗头,可以促进头发生长,减少脱发。

2. **预防白发**:侧柏叶能够凉血止血,对于因血热导致的白发有预防和改善作用。它能够帮助改善血液和肝脏的状况,从而减少白发出现的概率。

3. **促进血液循环**:侧柏叶煎水洗头可以促进头皮局部血液循环,有助于疏通经络,减轻头皮上的血液淤堵现象。

4. **控制油脂分泌**:对于头皮油脂分泌过多的问题,侧柏叶洗头能有效控制油脂分泌,改善头皮环境。


5. **改善头皮环境**:侧柏叶洗头能够改善头皮的健康状况,减少头皮屑和头皮瘙痒等问题。

6. **乌发**:侧柏叶有乌发的作用,能够使头发更加柔顺,增添光泽。

7. **副作用小**:相较于化学合成洗发产品,侧柏叶洗头相对安全,副作用较小,适合长期使用。


– 将侧柏叶用清水洗净。
– 将侧柏叶放入锅中,加水煮沸,然后转小火煮约30分钟。
– 将煮好的药液过滤去渣,待水温适宜后用于洗头。
– 洗头时,可以适当按摩头皮,帮助药效更好地吸收。


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Oct 18, 2024


1. **滋补肝肾**:仙灵骨葆具有滋补肝肾的功效,能够帮助改善肝肾不足的症状,对于因肝肾虚弱导致的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等有很好的调理作用。

2. **接骨续筋**:对于骨折、骨裂等骨骼损伤,仙灵骨葆能够促进骨折的愈合,加速骨痂的形成,有助于骨骼的修复和再建。

3. **强身健骨**:通过调节机体内环境,仙灵骨葆能够增强骨骼的强度,提高骨密度,对于预防和治疗骨质疏松症具有显著效果。

4. **调节代谢**:仙灵骨葆能够调节机体的代谢,刺激骨形成,提高骨矿含量,抑制破骨细胞的吸收活动,加快骨再建,从而改善整体骨量和骨质量。

5. **治疗骨关节炎**:对于骨关节炎等疾病,仙灵骨葆能够减轻关节疼痛,改善关节活动能力。

6. **改善骨无菌性坏死**:对于骨无菌性坏死等疾病,仙灵骨葆具有改善症状的作用。

7. **保护性腺,提高性激素水平**:仙灵骨葆具有一定的保护性腺功能,有助于提高性激素水平,对于因性激素水平下降而丢失的骨量有恢复作用。

8. **促进组织出血吸收**:对于组织出血等情况,仙灵骨葆能够促进出血的吸收。

9. **抗炎镇痛**:对于关节原发性损害、化学性足肿胀、损伤性足肿胀以及炎症等,仙灵骨葆具有明显的抑制作用,并且具有一定的镇痛效果。


10. **降低毛细血管通透性,改善阳虚**:仙灵骨葆能够降低腹腔毛细血管通透性,增加血清雌激素水平,改善阳虚的情况。



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Jul 12, 2024

Yu Long showed that someone had set up an ambush around Christine’s palace, but it was easy for him to finish the visual convergence breath. Yu Long walked past those ambushes easily. When he entered Christine’s exquisite and luxurious bedroom, there was no movement around him, so he should have slept.

Yu Long looked around the screen and saw a figure sitting with his back to him. I don’t know what I was thinking. Who was that beautiful figure if it wasn’t Christine?
Yu Long gently walked past.
The ring alarmed Christine, who drank "?" I flew over to see that Yu Long smiled in front of her. "How did this come?"
Yu Long chuckled, "I miss you."
Christine stared at Yu Long and her face flashed with joy. "You just have a sweet mouth. I don’t know how many women are used to being coaxed by you."
Yu Long laughed. "You have wronged me … that is, Christine’s Temple is beautiful and sexy. If it were ordinary people, I would definitely not talk."
Christine snorted. She looked angry, but she was a little happy.
Christine’s heart is really happy, but she is still indifferent on the surface. "Teacher, are you okay?"
Yu Long stepped forward and put his arm around her and whispered in her ear, "We are going to hand over Speaker Henry."
Christine blushed at Yu Long’s intimate behavior and Yu Long said, "You mean let me cooperate with you?"
Yu Long said quietly in Christine’s ear with a smile, "I have the latest news. Edward is also going to take Henry’s hand and let Wen Huoer take care of the new speaker. He is completely finished with Phelps. If Hall really becomes the speaker, I think Phelps will be in danger …" And he leaned down and kissed her crystal ears gently.
Christine Chen said, "I hate" her ears. She kissed Christine with her sensitive belt in Yu Long. She felt a long-lost stream rushing through her body and mind. Chun Qing rippled and twisted involuntarily.
Yu Long paused and whispered in Christine’s ear, "If you want to protect Phelps, you have to do as I ask …"
O, Christine gave Yu Long a white look. "You won’t fish in troubled waters and let me dedicate myself to you, will you?"
Yu Long secretly smiled and hugged Christine’s charming body and bowed her head, then kissed her purplish sexy mouth. After a while, Christine kissed Long Yu warmly, and her full chest was not ups and downs, which provoked Long Yu to put his hand on her chest and rub it vigorously through the clothes.
Long Yu asked in her ear again, "Did Christine miss me?"
Christine is shy and silent, her face is like a peach blossom, and her breathing is faster.
Yu Long didn’t want to tease her too much, and immediately laughed, "I’m not that mean. Since I promised not to give it to you, I will naturally keep my promise and wait for you to die automatically."
Christine lay in Yu Long’s arms like a tame sheep and smiled lightly. "I like your masculinity."
After a long silence, Christine said, "Can you make sure that Phelps is the speaker?"
Christine looked longingly at Yu Long with black eyes. "Only in this way can we ensure his safety."
Yu Long fondled Mom’s black and supple show and replied, "The key is to let Edward see that Phelps really has the ability to do that …"
Christine looked up at Yu Long. "That makes sense, but Phelps is such a person. What do you want me to do?"
Yu Long said, "adjustable … just like women, they need to be set up …"
In Christine Bai Longyu’s words, her face was flushed again, and she said angrily, "What are you doing? My heart is not, uh …"
Yu Long laughed and said, "How can I give up on a stunner like you?" Long Yu threw himself on Christine and Christine exclaimed that a small mouth had been kissed by Yu Long and soon kissed again.
After kissing goodbye, the two men got serious and discussed important matters, and finally reached an agreement. Yu Long was responsible for killing Speaker Henry, while Christine was responsible for creating momentum, and at the same time let the family help Phelps suppress Hall and finally win the position of Speaker.
Of course, judging from the current situation, after Henry’s death, Speaker Leigh will be beaten less than before.
Even this is an opportunity for Phelps.
Hall went back to his apartment and wondered what he should do. It’s tempting to go out to the speaker, but he knows very well that he must be a puppet and won’t have any real things.
But if you refuse, it will inevitably cause Edward’s dissatisfaction.
"What are you thinking?" Suddenly footsteps behind him.
Hall looked back and saw Adams smiling behind him.
Adams is wearing a dark gray general. These days, he is in charge of rectifying Hall Sineitai and has achieved good results.
"Oh, I wonder what I should do?" After a short absence, Huo Xun reacted. He felt that he and Adams must work together, otherwise it would be difficult to get through this hurdle.
Adams said lightly, "I know you didn’t have to tell me. Edward wants to get Henry off the stage."
Hall froze and stared at the front calmly from Adams. He didn’t know how he got the news.
"It’s all over now!" Adams looked at Hall with a bright eye and a faint smile on his mouth. "Hall Hall, who do you think will broadcast the news?"
Hall can’t help but avoid Adams’ bright eyes. He feels that his heart is beating fast. "I don’t know where you heard it."
"Everyone in the temple is here!" Adams casually looked at Hall and said faintly, "And they all know that you have the divine punishment."
Hall smiled awkwardly. "What shall I do? Ask the teacher to teach me … "He smiled stiffly." Could it be that Edward spread the news? "
Adams took a deep look at Hall and said faintly, "It’s hard to say. I really want Henry to have a lot of people, but now the news is bad for you."
After a pause, he said, "I suspect someone wants to kill two birds with one stone."
Yu Long?’ Hall asked.
Adams nodded seriously. "Judging from the current situation, Yu Long is very permeable. You will discuss things with the heads of families for a while."
Adams said coldly, "I suspect that Yu Long and Phelps have colluded."
"How do you say?" Hall asked.
"Christine one by one!" Adams said, "If I were Yu Long, I would definitely go to Christine. Christine Phelps is a good trump card."
"What should I do now?" Hall is in a bad mood. "Can I just sit back and wait?"
"Wait and see!" Adams Shen said, "Static braking. Besides, I have another suggestion, so don’t do it."
After a few days of publicity and pressure, Hall Gong declared that he had absolutely no idea about the position of speaker, so his posterior approach was broken.
Edward was very angry at this, but he was resistant
While instructing Hanks to investigate the leaker and rumour maker, he joined forces with Christine, hoping that she would support Phelps behind his back and Phelps would take over the speaker.

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Jul 11, 2024

Li Chu some nai smiled.

Last night, I was too busy telling my son that he should learn to take care of his children by himself, but I forgot that the biggest obstacle to his growth was his side.
But this time Ding Qiunan is taking his grandson’s heart with him. He won’t listen to anything he says. He just won’t say it. Let’s talk about it in the past few days.
"You can take care of it if you want. I went out to buy breakfast."
Chapter seven hundred and four Worry
Before he walked out of the living room, Li Qin had walked to the door of the living room with a big grate bag.
"Xiao Chu, I’ll give you some curtains. Your brother-in-law just went out to buy a bag."
Her voice just fell, and Xiaohei had already rushed to get the door curtain.
"Yo, I don’t want to eat this bag. Let your master cook it for you."
Li Qinduan said as he walked into the grate
Ding Qiunan has walked over and picked things up from her sister.
"How was the Qiu Nan child last night?"
"It’s ok. There was a noise at one or two o’clock. When he was very good, he slept when he was full, but the monthly milk might not be enough. Let Wenxuan give her the auxiliary medicine later."
"That child is so thin, how can it be good enough to have it?"
"Elder sister, this is not big with chubby" Li Chu grabbed a bag from the grate and took a bite.
"You don’t know what I’ve seen in the neighborhood office for so many years …" Just said two words, Li Qin reacted to what her brother was doing, but he was still very angry and said, "Hum, anyway, it’s too thin and there is more milk."
Li Chu hey hey smile also didn’t continue to argue with low head big mouth stuttering package.
Li Qin glanced at his sister-in-law at this time and said, "It was also Ha Qiunan who was thin enough at that time, but both children couldn’t finish eating Jiayuan."
"Sister, it’s all physical reasons. It’s not a big deal. Most parturients have enough milk for two medicines."
Because this is someone else’s major, Li Qin stopped obsessing about this problem and asked, "Xiao Chu, I saw old man Cao coming to see you two days ago. What did he do?"
"I asked Master Cao to find me some ceramics, so I’m ready to have a look."
"Why are you still interested in that thing?"
"Elder sister, I tell you those things are valuable."
I feel a little sleepy when I come here. Ding Qiunan came to the spirit as soon as she came.
Small mouth beep beep a phone said to listen to Li Qin one leng one leng.
"What is worth so much money? Isn’t that thing burned out of mud? "
"That’s different. I’ve always been able to sell those junk for a few dollars. This time it really opened my eyes. When Master Cao brought it to him that day, he also said that the buyer was willing to pay 120 thousand."
"Just that … that broken bowl in the room?" Li Qin eyes DengLiu circle incredible asked.
She’s seen that bowl, and she didn’t take it seriously at all. My brother just put it there to look good. Now it’s worth so much money, and it’s almost impossible to say it.
"Well, sister, how do you still think it’s junk?"
"How can it be worth so much money? Are these people crazy to spend so much money on a thing that they don’t eat or drink properly? "
"Who knows? People are willing to do it themselves."
"It’s crazy. It’s crazy. These people just take money when they feel better today." Li Qin shook his head and muttered.
"No, where did they get so much money? I don’t think newspapers are announcing ten thousand yuan everywhere. Since ten thousand yuan is so small, how can anyone buy a broken bowl and take out so much money? "
"Sister, the newspaper announcement can’t be said to be false, but it can be said that there are many people who don’t want to spread the money they earn everywhere. You are like those backpackers. No matter whether they run north or south, many people are very rich, but you can’t tell, right?"
"Well, it’s true that you said this." Li Qin felt the same way and nodded his head.
"Let’s behind the third hutong machinery factory that Lao Li head you know?"
"Yeah, I know."
"Didn’t their third child go to the south with others after he came back from the countryside? Last year, he just bought a big lottery for his family. That guy almost didn’t envy his two sisters-in-law."
Li Qin said that both Li Chu and Ding Qiunan knew that Lao Li’s head had three sons, the eldest brother and the second son, who took their parents’ classes and entered the factory respectively, and became a family early.
There is a third child who can’t find a job after he comes back. He eats and sleeps at home every day. It’s impossible to talk about the object. He has been living at home for several years like this, and the two sisters-in-law don’t like him anyway.
The year before last, Lao San helped a friend who came back from the countryside to the south, which made him find a way out. Only one year ago, he got a big prize for his family, which was very proud.
I saw his mother hiding from the matchmaker before, and now she’s at their house.
"Elder sister, don’t just watch and eat."
"You are quick to eat, I have just eaten at home, huh? Where’s Wen Hui? Still not up? "
"Maybe she hasn’t got up yet. She ran back and forth during this time and went to bed late last night. I guess she was tired."
"I’ll ask her to work later if you two eat. You have to eat breakfast."
Said Li Qin got up and ran away.
When they reached the door, she turned her head and asked, "Are all antiques valuable?"
"Not necessarily. It still depends on things. There are quite a few doorways there. What’s the matter, sister?"
"Oh, it’s okay. I’ll just ask."
After breakfast, Li Chu went to the hospital by car to help his wife and son take time off.
After a night of fermentation, everyone knew that he had a grandson. From the moment he entered the hospital gate, he said congratulations and never stopped.
Get him to come and plan to work in the afternoon. As a result, I might as well go home when I see this posture. Duan Jianing and Liu Ziqiang are also coming with his car.
Even when they went home, they didn’t have peace. People didn’t stop. When it got dark, no one would come again. After that, some of them looked at the pile of milk powder and malted milk.
Oh, and children’s clothes
Ding Qiunan pointed to the cupboard and said, "Our stinky treasure hasn’t bought clothes for several years."
Children’s nicknames are called stinky treasures. I haven’t decided yet.
"It’s hard to tell when these milk powders and malt extract will last?" Dad Ding picked up a bag of milk powder and looked at it.
"Dad, wait a minute, you can take it over and drink it early to save the trouble of boiling porridge."
"We don’t want it." Dad Ding shook his head and put his milk powder back on the table.
"You and my sister both take some back. This thing has a shelf life. If you can’t drink it here, it won’t be a wave."
"The old man asked you to take it, so you took so much nonsense."
As soon as Ding Ma spoke, Ding Dad didn’t refute it immediately.
Chapter seven hundred and fifty Accidents
Looking at sitting on the sofa all the time, let my brother-in-law take things and go back to my sister Li Chu to know that she must have something to tell herself.
Ding Qiunan also went to the front yard after the family left, and Li Qin didn’t speak.
"Chu Wang Shu Wang Auntie and Yueyue’s parents have all gone back?"
"Well, they’re all gone. What’s the matter, sister?"

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